吴子-吴子 《吴子》,又名《吴起兵法》,是吴起军事思想的主要载体。今本《吴子》共二卷六篇,依次为图国、料敌、治兵、论将、应变、励士。据《汉书·艺文志·兵书略》记载,《吴子》一书为48篇,与今本相差甚远。历史上曾有人据此认定《吴子》一书为伪作,这是没有根据的。至于篇目之差,可能是由于流传过程中亡伙所致。
sxwydl.com was registered 6 years 7 months ago. It is a sub-domain of com. This website is estimated worth of $ 8.95 and daily earning of $ 0.15. According to SiteAdvisor, sxwydl.com is safe to visit.Its web server is located in Hong Kong SAR China, with IP address
Title: | 必威体育|官网 |
Keywords: | 吴子全文, 吴子译文, 吴子全文阅读 |
Alexa Rank: | #99,999,999 |
Daily Revenue: | $ 0.15 |
Created: | 2018-07-23 |
Updated: | 2020-07-09 |
Registrar: | PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com |
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